This game is optimised for Microsoft's DirectX 9.0c. This section has information that is vital to successfully running the Commandos Strike Force Demo on your system. Please read through the DirectX section of this document. This training level will teach you the basic skills.
Spy Level (France) - As the spy stalk and kill the enemy throughout the French countryside. Switch on-the-fly between the Green Beret and Sniper as you work your way up the mountain pass. Green Beret and Sniper Level (Norway) - Lead an ambush in this two-commando mission. The single-player demo includes two playable levels: In Frankreich (Tutorial) erlernt ihr mit dem Scharfschützen die Spielmechanik, während euch die zweite Mission (mit Green Beret und Sniper) in einen norwegischen Gebirgspass verschlägt. Die deutsche Singleplayer-Demo zu Commandos Strike Force enthält zwei spielbare Levels.